Gifts for Mom

1. I Love You Pendant Necklace - A simple statement of your love to the number one woman in your life.
2. Face sheet masks - Everyone needs some TLC now and then. Grab a couple of face masks and shower your mom with some self care love.
3. Heart Oil Diffuser Locket - Show some aromatherapy love and combine this gorgeous necklace with her aromatherapy needs!
4. Roomba - Why does it always seem like the cleaning is left up to mom? Get the Roomba and she can finally take all that time she'd spend cleaning and relax.
5. Madagascan Sunset Moth Pendant - A perfect gift to show her she's one of a kind.
6. Essential Oil Diffuser - Keeping in theme with the aromatherapy love, grab her an essential oil diffuser to keep calm all day long.
7. Marilyn Studs - Dazzle her with these sparkly pair of earrings she won't ever want to take off!
8. Comfy PJs - Everyone needs a nice comfy pair of PJs to cozy up in bed with.
9. Custom Birthstone Necklace - Go for the personalized handmade touch with the Custom Birthstone Necklace. All necklaces are hand stamped for a true "diy" vibe. *Limited in quantity
10. Candles - You can never go wrong with candles. From wine time to bath time, there's never a wrong moment for some sweet scented candles.